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Founder of Facebook to Google Hot +

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 16, 2011 | 5:36 PM

+ Google made ​​Google as a competitor to Facebook and Twitter in terms of social media. However, shortly after Google launched +, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg makes surprise by Google + accounts he has. The first surprise, of course, when Zuckerberg is known to have a Google account +. Another surprise, is when Zuckerberg be the most in-follow on Google's social networking. As quoted from the pages of The Guardian, the popularity of Zuckerberg on Google + even beyond the two Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Zuckerberg has about 184,000 followers, which will surely continue to grow. Meanwhile, Page had about 94,000 followers and Brin around 71,000 followers. However, on account of its Google +, Zuckerberg has not written any one post. Not only that, the activity on Google + Zuckerberg last time recorded is the setting for privacy, by closing the information about anyone who became his followers. Previously, the presence of Mark Zuckerberg on Google + to the attention of online communities. However, Zuckerberg was nothing special. "Why are people so shocked by knowing that I have a Google account." Google + is growing rapidly since its launch, about two weeks ago. Currently, an estimated Google + is used by about 5 to 10 million people. As a social media, Google + rated as having a number of advantages compared to Facebook or Twitter. + Circle of friends at Google can be limited according to desire (Circles). Then, the Google + also has a chat facility (Hangouts), even by adding a chat via webcam. In addition, social networking functions are also seen with the features of Youtube watching with friends at Hangouts features. Search engines can be done from Google +, without leaving that page first. • VIVAnews + Google made ​​Google as a competitor to Facebook and Twitter in terms of social media. However, shortly after Google launched +, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg makes surprise by Google + accounts he has. The first surprise, of course, when Zuckerberg is known to have a Google account +. Another surprise, is when Zuckerberg be the most in-follow on Google's social networking. As quoted from the pages of The Guardian, the popularity of Zuckerberg on Google + even beyond the two Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Zuckerberg has about 184,000 followers, which will surely continue to grow. Meanwhile, Page had about 94,000 followers and Brin around 71,000 followers. However, on account of its Google +, Zuckerberg has not written any one post. Not only that, the activity on Google + Zuckerberg last time recorded is the setting for privacy, by closing the information about anyone who became his followers. Previously, the presence of Mark Zuckerberg on Google + to the attention of online communities. However, Zuckerberg was nothing special. "Why are people so shocked by knowing that I have a Google account." Google + is growing rapidly since its launch, about two weeks ago. Currently, an estimated Google + is used by about 5 to 10 million people. As a social media, Google + rated as having a number of advantages compared to Facebook or Twitter. + Circle of friends at Google can be limited according to desire (Circles). Then, the Google + also has a chat facility (Hangouts), even by adding a chat via webcam. In addition, social networking functions are also seen with the features of Youtube watching with friends at Hangouts features. Search engines can be done from Google +, without leaving that page first.
5:36 PM | 0 comments

Tricks To Aroma Perfumes More Maximum

Written By bavanna on Monday, July 11, 2011 | 5:35 PM

Wearing perfume is a sexy and fun activities for women. Especially with the fact that the scent is the fastest thing on the memory stick. In order for your favorite perfume you wear growing up, know the tricks to use it. Follow these four steps:

1. Spray at some point 
perfume will evaporate, so semprotkanlah at some point not only in the neck area. Spray is also behind the knee, so when you walk the smell will evaporate. Also at the wrist, elbow and below the area of the earlobe.  
2. Consider packing 
perfume packaging seal has been opened, the aroma is not going to change or persist for six months, for a citrus-based. Meanwhile, based rates will hold for 18 months.  
3. Enemy perfume 
Perfume has two enemies, light and heat. So, save favorite perfume in the area that was exposed to light and heat.
4. Moisten skin 
The more moist your skin, then the longer the perfume stick to your skin. So, make your skin moist is always in a state.
5:35 PM | 0 comments


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