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4 Tips for Shopping Online

Written By bavanna on Monday, July 11, 2011 | 2:37 PM

Site e-commerce started again in the Internet industry bergeliat Indonesia. This service can be very easy, because the user is more practical to shop. But on the other hand, there is the threat that haunts this service activist. 

1. Verification 
When looking to make transactions on shopping sites, one thing must be ensured first is the legitimacy and reputation of the site. Do not necessarily fascinated by the lure of low prices of a site or blog middle of nowhere. This is what used to be inducement of cyber criminals. On its website, they exhibit a variety of goods at very oblique. Users also are interested in and then transfer the payment. But the unlucky, the stuff that dreams did not come and the money is floating. To determine the credibility of a site, it's worth doing a small investigation on the search engines . See, if there are references about the site. This could be one consideration.

 2. Website Security 
When the site has been ascertained by the 'original', the next step is to ensure the security of your transaction systems. Some simple ways to ensure this is by checking the URL of the site. For a more secure site, the URL used typically use the prefix 'https'. While the site used to use the prefix 'http'. Well , the site with no prefix letter 's' (from 'https') is what should be wary if you want to do online transactions on the site. Because they are less reliable security system. Then, it could also check the existence of the picture 'padlock' in the URL area or at the bottom right of the transaction page. The point is if there is no padlock, the site is relatively safer. Last is the existence of such a security certification from a third party. One such 'Cybertrust Secured websites'. The three are true safety standards have been run by the banks to operate their e-banking site
 3. Security Software 
internet browser now present also been increasingly improving warning systems. So when the user is not aware of having to visit malicious sites that want to take action phishing (information theft), then the browser automatically will be issued a warning sign. It would be nice if on a shared computer is also installed additional security applications that provides a firewall and filters for blocking actions that want to attack your computer. 

4. Personal Data 
Do not just spit the data-nan sensitive personal data on the internet. These include a phone number, home address, credit card numbers, social security number , and other privacy data. Simple things that are sometimes forgotten is to allow usernames , passwords , and our personal data stored on a computer, for reasons I'll efficient. It would be very dangerous if we do it on a computer that is shared. So beware!


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