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Tips to Make Office Without Walls

Written By bavanna on Monday, July 11, 2011 | 4:59 PM

Workers today's increasingly mobile and it applies also to the Small and Medium Enterprises. Curb worker at an office with four walls is not the time anymore. Although mobile devices and laptops will facilitate the running of the business logistics and monetary standpoint, companies need to think about the threat that comes through these devices. There must be a policy that can help SMBs protect employees well informed and their devices. This policy should include password policy, allows only devices with encryption capabilities to connect to the infrastructure, and prohibits devices that are not safe to connect to the office network. Software protection at the endpoint (device side) should also be available. The following tips can help SMEs protect information in mobile devices that are used when employees work remotely:
Beware Clicking 
Just as if using a PC, accessing social networking on mobile devices and laptops should be done with caution. Do not open the link that is not identified, chatting with strangers or visiting sites that are unusual. It is easy for users to be fooled and make their devices as well as information on it can be stolen. All the best guide to use social networking in the PC applies also applies to mobile devices connected to the network. Here are some of the best clues were:
  • Check the privacy settings on a regular basis to ensure the account and your information is safe as you think.
  • Do not answer Yes when prompted to save the password to the computer. Instead, rely on a strong password that you memorized or stored in a password management program that can be relied upon.
  • Do not just accept 'Friend' or 'Follower' of the people that you do not know.
  • Do not click links in messages, even if that message seemed to come from a 'friend' you but it seems strange or not as you know. The method is often used by attackers were disguised as friends and send messages to users which sounds roughly like this, "this funny video content you huh?" In fact, there is no video in question, and if the user tried to open the file 'video', they will be infected with malicious programs.
  • Never send a message on the social networking site that tells you, especially while away from home. This includes, do not post messages that indicate you will be away from home on the date or time, for example when going on vacation.

And Secure Data Encryption
Of all the existing information is the most valuable asset that can be owned by an SME, and is the most sensitive financial information. Appropriate measures should be taken to secure that data residing on mobile devices or laptops in order not to be accessed by unauthorized users and hackers. Encryption and protection at the endpoint is required for the creation of comprehensive security. The technology used should be proactive and provide complete protection against unknown threats for laptops and other endpoint devices. Know what to do if the device is lost or stolen
In the event of theft or loss, both employees and management must know what The next needs to be done. Process required to turn off and protect the information in the device of the burglary must have available. There are products available on the market that can automate these processes, so that SMEs can breathe more easily during the incident. 
Enforce a strong security policy 
It is very important to enforce password management policies on the management and employees. Having a strong password that will help you protect data stored on the laptop when there is loss or hacking incidents. Strong passwords have eight or more characters and combine letters, numbers and symbols (eg, # $%!). Employees should change passwords regularly, at least every 90 days.
Changed according to the state   Condition of the mobile and endpoint security will always be changing. New developments in technology, software and security will always appear, and hackers are also constantly changing. One of the best ways for SMEs to remain safe and effective way is to adapt the latest developments that occur. Not doing so could mean choosing to be weak. SMEs have to do anything that could be done, as long as the budget entry, in order to update the devices and their software with the most recent.


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