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Things to Avoid on Facebook

Written By bavanna on Friday, July 8, 2011 | 7:40 PM

If you are addicted to Facebook , so it can not release a single day without opening the social networking, you should be careful. Because there are some things to avoid on Facebook. Those things are: Make friends with people who are wrong . Actually lived what your intentions create a Facebook account, if you want to re-establish communication with old friends or want to add a new friend in cyberspace. But it still should be careful before deciding to ad as friend or confirmed . As happened at a prison warden in Leicester England, Nathan Singh, who must be willing to be fired from his position only because he found friends on Facebook with a number of inmates where she worked. Well, another with Charlotte Fielder, a British woman with disabilities without hands since born. Perhaps because they feel kinship, Fielder friends with a number of men who she did not know who was disguised as a handicapped person. But it turns out, they are a group of men who have abnormalities, ie, sexually attracted to women handed stump. Fielder realized when he found the ad sites containing pornographic pictures of women with disabilities and photos handed fielder there. Curhat about the boss or work on Facebook . Of course we do not have to mimic what a woman named Lindsay. He vent on their status: "Oh my God, I hate my job!" still not enough he also denounced his superior. And just a few hours later someone wrote a comment: 'Do not bother to come to the office tomorrow. I will send a letter of dismissal in the mail. " Tenryata he was his superior. Replacing the photos inappropriate . Unless indeed we organize your photo album privacy settings for certain people, however, that does not put up pictures often embarrass us on Facebook for any reason. As an MP in Britain, Sean Aspey, who put his picture was wearing a Nazi uniform on television comedy shows that are telling funny stories in France in the era of Nazi occupation. Perhaps his intention was just for fun, but he must accept the consequences, which are disabled from the city council. Online when sick . If we're pretending to be ill or sick indeed real and not enter the office, should indeed not have to open up. A Canadian woman who was on sabbatical when suffering from depression should accept the reality, he nevertheless receives payment from his health insurance as an insurance agent to find photographs that are having fun on Facebook, enjoying the sunshine is also a night out with colleagues. Revealing matters confidential . Israel had a Facebook account to check his soldiers, and turns to find pictures of air bases, military operations rooms, submarines and other secrets that should not be publicly known. Furthermore, Israel and menerapkab a new policy, which prohibits the soldiers put up photographs categorized secret.


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