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Windows back to normal without re-install with Norton Ghost

Written By bavanna on Friday, July 8, 2011 | 6:17 PM

If your Windows error and could not walk properly or exposed to viruses that can not be eliminated, what would you do? some people would probably say "re-install aja windowsnya, wrong ... .!!!, but by reinstalling windows, programs - programs and applications must be reinstalled as well, but it also requires a long time.
Actually there is another way to restore your windows as they are, how to use Windows PE (Preinstallation Environment) and an application called Ghost Northon. Windows PE is an operating system is loaded from the CD instead of HDD, such as Windows XP or the like. I use it? I will try to explain in this paper.
Initially if you are just re-install windows all the drivers have been installed applications you need have also been installed, create a "Ghost" of your windows, how, insert the Windows PE CD and boot from the CD.
Step - step of making a Ghost of your windows
first. Click Star -> Programs -> Norton Ghost -> Norton Ghost Corporate

2. Select Load -> Partition -> To Image
3. Select the hard disk where you install windows (If more than one hard disk)
4. Select the partition where you install windows
5. Select where to store the file "Ghost" on the partition you pilih.di external hard drive can also be.
6. Berinama file is up to you. extension of the file is the GHO , for example -Plain.GHO H2 , or H2-Full.GHO , it's up to you.
7. Save -> High , (so that compressing the partition into GHO better)
then will walk you the process of compressing Windows partsisi like the picture below:

Wait until the process is completed, the length depending on the files - the files contained on your Windows XP partition, the bigger, the longer the course, if has been completed Quit and then restart the computer as usual. Save the file berextensi Ghost is because if your windows broken or error, this filament can be utilized. how to use Windows Pe and Norton Ghost again.
Step - steps as when creating the file "Ghost" at the top, when running Norton Ghost bedaya select Load -> Partition -> From Image , select File "Ghost" that you first save, and select the partition where you installed Windows, then the file - Ghost file will be "Extracted" and restored kepartisi your windows so that the partition will be back as when you create a File "Ghost" is your windows have been installed drivers - drivers, Office, Firefox, and Yahoo Messenger. So when you restore the file "Ghost" is, on windows you've installed the driver - the driver, Office, firefox, no less no more (if the process of making and perestore's file "ghost" runs perfect). after perestore's finished, restart your computer and boot from the hard drive again, God willing, Windows will run as normal.
Good luck, may be useful.


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