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4 Tips to Prevent 'Infidelity' Online

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 5:48 PM

The emergence of friendship or social networking sites is not uncommon to incur a negative impact. One is the potential to trigger an affair online . This phenomenon is still causing the pros and cons. According to a survey, 33 percent of people consider 'flirting' via online chat , text messaging and social networking is not infidelity. The reason is because they do not make physical contact. However, such measures might make their partner feel betrayed. Prevent it from engaging in online infidelity is very important. Here are four tips, as quoted from Your Tango.
1. Create Agreements
Talk with your partner and make a deal that does not harm one another. Such as giving freedom to each other to be friends with anyone via the Internet. But make a restriction that may and may not do when online .
2. Open each other
Jalinlah mutual trust between the two of you. One of them with nothing to hide from the password e-mail, facebook, twitter maybe even online chat . Maybe some people will object to this idea, but would prevent any couple to 'playing with fire' because her partner could have a moment to check your account. Mutual secrecy will only lead to suspicion that tails argument.
3. Online Together
There is no harm in occasionally invite couples online together. Invite him to come home or to a cafe with free wi-fi facilities to both see each account on social networking or browsing the site interesting. You and your partner can comment on each photo submissions from friends, or make a joke of the status-status friends. That way, togetherness become more varied. Not just go out to eat or a movie.
4. Show your relationship status with couples
Facebook users would know the features 'relationship status' , such as singles , it's complicated , in a relationship or married . Pick status 'in a relationship' to tell that you've taken. Occasionally show attention to the couple through his facebook wall, but do not overdo it. This method will be discouraged those who might be interested in you or your partner to approach.


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