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5 Tips to Avoid cheating

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 5:52 PM

Saturated with a partner and are tempted to cheat? Well, be careful! Try to read this first before going any further. Life is pretty complicated affair. There are times when we feel bored or annoyed with your partner, so that the edges are implicit thoughts like cheating. Surely you do not want that to happen is not it? Many things can you do to keep the affair did not happen, well what are they? please read the following tips: 
1. Strong Intention 
liver Set for unambiguous. From the beginning of a new married or dating, intend in my heart that he's just that you have. I think you often hear these words: "One just does not run out, why should two or more? Well, try to apply it. Keep in mind, too: that marriage is sacred and is only done once in life. 
2. Karma karma oh 
If you do not want to be betrayed by partner, then do not do it. Dare to do, should dare to take risks. Remember karma, if you had an affair, one day at some time, everything can be turned upon you. So you should not ever try to cheat, remember karma!  

3. Self -help 
a lot, is to be gained from reading books, downloaded on the internet, and magazines that contain articles (a solution or tips) that can be used as a reference for you to avoid cheating. It could also ask for your opinions with some friends who could provide a neutral view.  

4. See Pet Closer 
Do not compare your partner with others. Look at him and thank him what it is, despite the lack of it is just normal human beings because no one is perfect. Instead you should be able to dig its appeal is not in purely physical terms (sympathy, kindness, loyalty).

5. Commitment to 
Keeping the commitments and rules that have been made ​​both. After intend to be loyal, also apply in everyday life that you have to implement loyalty. If there are problems earlier discussed with the couple. Do not assume you are alone, but there are couples who become your life partner. So for personal narcissistic , you should make a commitment and clear rules and firm, thus preventing the occurrence of infidelity.


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