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6 Tips to Reduce Back Former Desire

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 5:59 PM

Often met former after relationship ends? Try not to recall the past. It can actually make you want to go back to her courtship. Try a new challenge that catches your heart and can distract from the former. As quoted Glamour, the following six tips you can do to reduce the desire to return to her former lover:  
1. Bring a male friend who might be at the event attended by the former.
Nothing is more effective to prevent feelings of the former if there was another guy beside you. It would be better if your guy friend is a successful man and have a high confidence.  
2. If you still like to think the former, try to recall the reasons you broke up with him. 
 Women like to remember things just fine when connected that it will be increasingly difficult to forget the former. Although painful to remember everything that has happened will make sad, it makes you no longer potent remember him. 
3. Ask a friend to keep remind you. 
A friend is a good reminder for us aware if doing the wrong thing. They will not plunge you. 
4. Tell yourself that you're too good for your ex. 
Expect behind the former is a setback in your life. Think ahead and make positive changes as a new beginning in your life. 
5. Say 'no' to every invitation ex.  
Perhaps you have always obeyed when dealing permintannya and rarely say no to reject it. Say clearly that you already enjoy your own life.
6. Busy yourself, switch your mind to follow the new activities with friends. 
 By not doing anything will make you tired and cause thoughts to return to the former. If you fight with someone because you are bored with life, perhaps looking for another man would be better. But not with the former.


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