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How to Overcome Insomnia

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 4:06 PM

Insomnia is a torture for anyone who ever experienced it. Insomnia can be caused by several things, such as stress, job demands, excessive dieting, poor sleep is not comfortable, and so forth. Humans generally need eaktu sleep between 6-7 hours per day. If sleep kuraang than 3 hours per day, then that person can be regarded as people with insomnia.

Insomnia is too often can damage the health. In addition, people who generally have difficulty sleeping shorter lifespan when compared with people who are having an average time of sleep. Insomnia is often, and it is acute, the more it will harm the body of one, the health will be prone to disease. Therefore, to overcome it, here I have to say a few solutions to overcome insomnia.

  1. Avoid excessive eating at bedtime, and if you're hungry weight, try to eat 2 hours before going to sleep
  2. Avoid excessive drinking at bedtime, so that when you sleep you will not often to the bathroom to urinate
  3. Perform activities that make you comfortable at bedtime, such as listening to music
  4. Reading is a way that can also be used to make us sleepy eyes
  5. Clean and tidy rooms regularly. Comfortable beds will encourage someone to sleep with a delicious
  6. Keep the HP of the mattress, clear his mind, and relaxation can make you calm yourself and encourage to sleep
  7. Turn off the lights (for those who are used) before sleep also makes you sleep soundly for
  8. Before bed, soak feet in warm water, this way he supposedly powerful enough to overcome the difficult sleep disorders

Those are some tips that I can say, may be useful for you, especially those with insomnia. The way it does not suit you, but the eighth it is experience and wisdom that I have taken in the past (people with insomnia, too, hehehe). Good luck, and good luck: D


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