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Founder of Facebook to Google Hot +

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 16, 2011 | 5:36 PM

+ Google made ​​Google as a competitor to Facebook and Twitter in terms of social media. However, shortly after Google launched +, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg makes surprise by Google + accounts he has. The first surprise, of course, when Zuckerberg is known to have a Google account +. Another surprise, is when Zuckerberg be the most in-follow on Google's social networking. As quoted from the pages of The Guardian, the popularity of Zuckerberg on Google + even beyond the two Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Zuckerberg has about 184,000 followers, which will surely continue to grow. Meanwhile, Page had about 94,000 followers and Brin around 71,000 followers. However, on account of its Google +, Zuckerberg has not written any one post. Not only that, the activity on Google + Zuckerberg last time recorded is the setting for privacy, by closing the information about anyone who became his followers. Previously, the presence of Mark Zuckerberg on Google + to the attention of online communities. However, Zuckerberg was nothing special. "Why are people so shocked by knowing that I have a Google account." Google + is growing rapidly since its launch, about two weeks ago. Currently, an estimated Google + is used by about 5 to 10 million people. As a social media, Google + rated as having a number of advantages compared to Facebook or Twitter. + Circle of friends at Google can be limited according to desire (Circles). Then, the Google + also has a chat facility (Hangouts), even by adding a chat via webcam. In addition, social networking functions are also seen with the features of Youtube watching with friends at Hangouts features. Search engines can be done from Google +, without leaving that page first. • VIVAnews + Google made ​​Google as a competitor to Facebook and Twitter in terms of social media. However, shortly after Google launched +, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg makes surprise by Google + accounts he has. The first surprise, of course, when Zuckerberg is known to have a Google account +. Another surprise, is when Zuckerberg be the most in-follow on Google's social networking. As quoted from the pages of The Guardian, the popularity of Zuckerberg on Google + even beyond the two Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Zuckerberg has about 184,000 followers, which will surely continue to grow. Meanwhile, Page had about 94,000 followers and Brin around 71,000 followers. However, on account of its Google +, Zuckerberg has not written any one post. Not only that, the activity on Google + Zuckerberg last time recorded is the setting for privacy, by closing the information about anyone who became his followers. Previously, the presence of Mark Zuckerberg on Google + to the attention of online communities. However, Zuckerberg was nothing special. "Why are people so shocked by knowing that I have a Google account." Google + is growing rapidly since its launch, about two weeks ago. Currently, an estimated Google + is used by about 5 to 10 million people. As a social media, Google + rated as having a number of advantages compared to Facebook or Twitter. + Circle of friends at Google can be limited according to desire (Circles). Then, the Google + also has a chat facility (Hangouts), even by adding a chat via webcam. In addition, social networking functions are also seen with the features of Youtube watching with friends at Hangouts features. Search engines can be done from Google +, without leaving that page first.
5:36 PM | 0 comments

Tricks To Aroma Perfumes More Maximum

Written By bavanna on Monday, July 11, 2011 | 5:35 PM

Wearing perfume is a sexy and fun activities for women. Especially with the fact that the scent is the fastest thing on the memory stick. In order for your favorite perfume you wear growing up, know the tricks to use it. Follow these four steps:

1. Spray at some point 
perfume will evaporate, so semprotkanlah at some point not only in the neck area. Spray is also behind the knee, so when you walk the smell will evaporate. Also at the wrist, elbow and below the area of the earlobe.  
2. Consider packing 
perfume packaging seal has been opened, the aroma is not going to change or persist for six months, for a citrus-based. Meanwhile, based rates will hold for 18 months.  
3. Enemy perfume 
Perfume has two enemies, light and heat. So, save favorite perfume in the area that was exposed to light and heat.
4. Moisten skin 
The more moist your skin, then the longer the perfume stick to your skin. So, make your skin moist is always in a state.
5:35 PM | 0 comments

Tips Choose the Perfect Work Bag

Just like shoes, handbags also become mandatory accessories complement the appearance of a woman. Moreover, for those women office workers.
For the women who work, the perfect bag - to accompany all its activities like best friends - must be comfortable, accessible, and can keep a secret from the contents inside the bag. In addition, the bag can make you look more professional and unified frontier in harmony with the clothes you wear. For women, picky bag when going to the office is important. Here are tips on choosing the right bag to accompany your work activities:

does not mean the color of your bag must always match the color of clothing you wear. Rather, the color of the bag should match the outfit you will wear. Color black and brown bag classic is a neutral color that can be combined with a variety of fashions.
Keep a bag with a variety of sparkling accessories for parties at night. Briefcase that you wear should make you look as a female professional workers, not enthusiastically showing glamorous appearance at the party will attend the event. 

Adjust the size of bag with luggage 
briefcase that you use must be widespread. But, that does not mean you should bring a big suitcase, but can be adjusted by the number of luggage you will carry. How much luggage in the bag, your hands should be free to greet people. So, if you have to take files every day, it is better to choose a bag that can accommodate them.  
Comfortable carried in a variety of styles 
How you carry a bag, can diselempang, on the shoulder or portable. However, it would be better to select a bag that can be carried in a variety of styles. If you must bring a laptop and files on each day, a bag that you wear should be comfortable to wear. Not only comfortable carry, but also linked to the shoulder. Therefore, carrying a bag in the same position for long periods can make hands sore, so it needs to change position. 

Choose the right material 
Look for a soft material that can accommodate many of the goods or select material that is easy to extend. There are many choices of materials available environmentally friendly bags, such as hemp or canvas. Bags of leather is radiated professionalism, but be sure to always clean with a soft dry cloth at least once a week.
5:29 PM | 0 comments

Tips to Make Office Without Walls

Workers today's increasingly mobile and it applies also to the Small and Medium Enterprises. Curb worker at an office with four walls is not the time anymore. Although mobile devices and laptops will facilitate the running of the business logistics and monetary standpoint, companies need to think about the threat that comes through these devices. There must be a policy that can help SMBs protect employees well informed and their devices. This policy should include password policy, allows only devices with encryption capabilities to connect to the infrastructure, and prohibits devices that are not safe to connect to the office network. Software protection at the endpoint (device side) should also be available. The following tips can help SMEs protect information in mobile devices that are used when employees work remotely:
Beware Clicking 
Just as if using a PC, accessing social networking on mobile devices and laptops should be done with caution. Do not open the link that is not identified, chatting with strangers or visiting sites that are unusual. It is easy for users to be fooled and make their devices as well as information on it can be stolen. All the best guide to use social networking in the PC applies also applies to mobile devices connected to the network. Here are some of the best clues were:
  • Check the privacy settings on a regular basis to ensure the account and your information is safe as you think.
  • Do not answer Yes when prompted to save the password to the computer. Instead, rely on a strong password that you memorized or stored in a password management program that can be relied upon.
  • Do not just accept 'Friend' or 'Follower' of the people that you do not know.
  • Do not click links in messages, even if that message seemed to come from a 'friend' you but it seems strange or not as you know. The method is often used by attackers were disguised as friends and send messages to users which sounds roughly like this, "this funny video content you huh?" In fact, there is no video in question, and if the user tried to open the file 'video', they will be infected with malicious programs.
  • Never send a message on the social networking site that tells you, especially while away from home. This includes, do not post messages that indicate you will be away from home on the date or time, for example when going on vacation.

And Secure Data Encryption
Of all the existing information is the most valuable asset that can be owned by an SME, and is the most sensitive financial information. Appropriate measures should be taken to secure that data residing on mobile devices or laptops in order not to be accessed by unauthorized users and hackers. Encryption and protection at the endpoint is required for the creation of comprehensive security. The technology used should be proactive and provide complete protection against unknown threats for laptops and other endpoint devices. Know what to do if the device is lost or stolen
In the event of theft or loss, both employees and management must know what The next needs to be done. Process required to turn off and protect the information in the device of the burglary must have available. There are products available on the market that can automate these processes, so that SMEs can breathe more easily during the incident. 
Enforce a strong security policy 
It is very important to enforce password management policies on the management and employees. Having a strong password that will help you protect data stored on the laptop when there is loss or hacking incidents. Strong passwords have eight or more characters and combine letters, numbers and symbols (eg, # $%!). Employees should change passwords regularly, at least every 90 days.
Changed according to the state   Condition of the mobile and endpoint security will always be changing. New developments in technology, software and security will always appear, and hackers are also constantly changing. One of the best ways for SMEs to remain safe and effective way is to adapt the latest developments that occur. Not doing so could mean choosing to be weak. SMEs have to do anything that could be done, as long as the budget entry, in order to update the devices and their software with the most recent.

4:59 PM | 0 comments

4 Tips for Shopping Online

Site e-commerce started again in the Internet industry bergeliat Indonesia. This service can be very easy, because the user is more practical to shop. But on the other hand, there is the threat that haunts this service activist. 

1. Verification 
When looking to make transactions on shopping sites, one thing must be ensured first is the legitimacy and reputation of the site. Do not necessarily fascinated by the lure of low prices of a site or blog middle of nowhere. This is what used to be inducement of cyber criminals. On its website, they exhibit a variety of goods at very oblique. Users also are interested in and then transfer the payment. But the unlucky, the stuff that dreams did not come and the money is floating. To determine the credibility of a site, it's worth doing a small investigation on the search engines . See, if there are references about the site. This could be one consideration.

 2. Website Security 
When the site has been ascertained by the 'original', the next step is to ensure the security of your transaction systems. Some simple ways to ensure this is by checking the URL of the site. For a more secure site, the URL used typically use the prefix 'https'. While the site used to use the prefix 'http'. Well , the site with no prefix letter 's' (from 'https') is what should be wary if you want to do online transactions on the site. Because they are less reliable security system. Then, it could also check the existence of the picture 'padlock' in the URL area or at the bottom right of the transaction page. The point is if there is no padlock, the site is relatively safer. Last is the existence of such a security certification from a third party. One such 'Cybertrust Secured websites'. The three are true safety standards have been run by the banks to operate their e-banking site
 3. Security Software 
internet browser now present also been increasingly improving warning systems. So when the user is not aware of having to visit malicious sites that want to take action phishing (information theft), then the browser automatically will be issued a warning sign. It would be nice if on a shared computer is also installed additional security applications that provides a firewall and filters for blocking actions that want to attack your computer. 

4. Personal Data 
Do not just spit the data-nan sensitive personal data on the internet. These include a phone number, home address, credit card numbers, social security number , and other privacy data. Simple things that are sometimes forgotten is to allow usernames , passwords , and our personal data stored on a computer, for reasons I'll efficient. It would be very dangerous if we do it on a computer that is shared. So beware!

2:37 PM | 0 comments

Become a Blogger Trick Interest Readers

Over time and decreasing the time of our lives in the world, seems to Blogger in the World is there are already millions and even tens of millions of people. In addition simply to vent, vent not clear up who really want to share their knowledge and their knowledge. In fact, most bloggers is to get a dollar purse from her blog.
In my opinion, only people-honest not that make a blog just for personal collection without intent be read by others. As such it was, maybe he was deliberately create a blog just for a reminder or an archive, such as blogs in Zonam , already have a user who used no budlist (due to be read on a private blog that should be budlist), then make a blog later on -private  , but clearly I'm sure all bloggers have the obsession to become bloggers whose work is read by others crowded. Hence, on this occasion, I wish you all a little to share on how to create text that will hypnotize the visitor to want to read our blog, here from my original tricks:

1. Make the title Sensational
As a blogger, surely you must all be confused about what title would you choose in order to attract readers to read it. The title is sensational indeed very influential for this. Keep you do not carelessly make the title of a blog, because the first view is more beautiful when compared to the second view.  In addition, if you make a blog title at random, chances are the reader was also random.

2. Use language that Lebay.com
Sometimes a lot of people who are shy and reluctant to make writing a lebay.com impressed, because the style of language as such made-up and exaggerate minor problems. If you still have any shame, seemed to throw away your brain it's dirty. Whose name is written that if the language is too casual or otherwise too rigid, then the reader will be more bored quickly when compared with writing a lebay impressed. With lebay, something that is actually not so 'hot' and 'sensational' can be a horrendous thing that the public because we wrote it with great enthusiasm and aplomb. Finally, keep in mind ... That's not to say his name lebay alay ya know. If you make alay writing, rather than the reader want to read your blog, that is, they would ngeplud on your blog comment because you have hurt the reader with a very gaje writing it.
Let's Lebay with me, bro ...

3. Make a blog which impressed Caper
If any org that says you're writing 'Caper really hell'. Means you have successfully created a blog that interested readers. With capers, then the reader would be curious, like what's inside and what goes. Honestly, during my blogging in Zonam, with this trick I often flooded with comments from members Zonam.
4. Do not Make a deceptive title
It is one thing that sometimes, I made myself angry. Baguss title really, but once opened, wow ... It's just not over the usual rubbish dumped in the morning.
I suggest, try to create a blog title that is relevant to the content, because if the content was relevant to the title, readers will be disappointed and leave your work.
Perhaps, that was all he could to make about "Being a Blogger Trick Jitu Interest Readers". If there is a real lack of it because of mistake, and if there is much the fact it comes from Allah ...
So, Thank You ...

2:32 PM | 0 comments

How to Accelerate Powerful WordPress

It's almost a week I did not write any new articles on the real busy due to very dense. This time I will review the plugin called DropBox Sync, this plugin uses the service DropBox.com loading wordpress to make us faster. Then how does it work? Very simply, this plugin will sync to the image file contained in your blog to DropBox, thus every time someone opens your post that contains an image then the images shown were derived from the dropbox, instead of you hosting. So it stands to reason that your bandwidth will be used very little or even none at all for an image file (*. jpeg, *. png, *. bmp).
just let me start the review. For surely the first step you need is to install this plugin, At the prompt please enter keyword " DropBox "without the quote marks of course DropBox icon smile Sync Plugin The Very Powerful. it will appear like this:
DropBox DropBox Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
There should be a link install now, but since I took this screenshot when I've installed this plugin so that there is only writing Installed redface DropBox icon Sync Plugin The Very Powerful

First Steps

The first step you should do is to certainly have a dropbox account, with this account you can get a free 2GB Disk Space you can use not just for wordpress plugin, but can also be used for file sharing etc.. at a pace that wuzz .. wuzzzDropBox icon smile Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
Create a New Account in DropBox.com Register , then will appear like this:
DropBox DropBox Register Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
dropbox registration is very easy, do not believe it? just look at the register form above. In addition to making the register is very easy also because dropbox does not require email validation, so you can sign up with an invalid email but I do not recommend your own because that would inconvenience the future.
After you successfully register, immediately go to Home> Files then it will appear like this:
dropbox file DropBox Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
There are two folders by default, but we will use is a public folder because this folder can be accessed by many people (the name alone public folders DropBox icon smile Sync Plugin The Very Powerful). Open the Public Folder and inside there will be a file called How to use the Public folder.rtf right click on this file and then select Copy public link:
Public DropBox DropBox Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
then do what with DropBox Sync plugin? The plugin requires a unique code from our account, the code was in http://dl.dropbox.com/u/

Step Two

Go to Settings on the Dashboard Sync DropBox> Dropbox, will appear like this:
DropBox DropBox option Sync Plugin The Very Powerful
Email is the same email to the email account used to log in your dropbox.
Password is the same password with dropbox account.
Destination is a destination where the file will be saved, use the public because we are obliged to use public folders.
DropBox Account # is the unique code that I already know how to get it above Rate.
Then after all the fields filled in click Save Changes, And Congratulations! now you can sync between the host wordpress with dropbox.

2:27 PM | 0 comments

Kawasaki Ninja Launch Rp211 Million Worth

Written By bavanna on Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 6:51 PM

PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia again kicked off the national automotive market by launching a premium motorcycle, Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R. Unmitigated motorcycles with 600 cc engine is priced at Rp211 million to Jakarta and surrounding areas. In the launch at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, on Friday night, July 8, 2011, President Director of Indonesia Kawasaki Shigeyo Ikemoto said, this model is sure to be accepted Indonesian society. Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R 600cc machines carry, 16-valve, 4 cylinder, liquid-cooled. Power and torque peak of 119 horsepower (HP) and 66.7 Nm, and transmit 6 - speed . Engine power is much higher than cars MPV 1500 cc engine capacity, which has around 110 HP power. Not surprisingly, a matter of speed, you are guaranteed satisfaction. The motors are directly imported from Japan has a front and rear suspension is fully adjustable. Seat height 815 mm, ground clearance 120 mm, and weighs 191 kg. ZX-6R Dimensions (LxWxH) reached 2090 mm ​​x 710 mm x 1115 mm. Wheelbase 1400 mm was recorded. The front brake hold dual semi-floating 300 mm (x t6 mm) petal discs Dual radial-mount, opposed 4-piston (aluminum) , 4-pad, Nissin. While the rear brakes single 220 ​​mm (x t5 mm) petal disc Single-bore pin-slide, aluminum piston, Tokico. Marketing Director Freddyanto Kawasaki Indonesia Basuki said the company targets sales of 30 units per month. "We believe could be achieved," he said.

6:51 PM | 0 comments

Found, and How to Save Laptop Battery Hp

A student of Duke University, North Carolina, USA under the guidance of assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering managed to find a system that is able to multiply the battery on mobile devices. According to Justin Manweiler, students, a system called SleepWell enabled mobile phones and laptops to work longer by changing the WiFi technology. Manweiler says, gadget-owned energy quickly depleted if no other WiFi enabled devices in the vicinity. In certain cases, each device must be 'maintained' before he started the download of information desired. For example, Manweiler said, when you download a movie in urban areas, the battery will be depleted much faster than if you download the same movie in the area of agriculture quiet. Software developed by Manweiler solve this problem by enabling mobile devices came into the position of 'sleep' when the device around him are still downloading via WiFi. This device not only saves energy, but also other devices that were there. "Cities face the rush hour and workers come and go at about the same time," said Manweiler, quoted from MedIndia, July 7, 2011. "If working hours more flexible, firms can alter the working hours and reduce overcrowding in peak hours. With reduced density, will be more free time even though the number of hours worked remained the same, "he said. Similarly, the word Manweiler, also occurs in the mobile device attempting to access the Internet at the same time. "SleepWell WiFi enabled devices to shift their activity cycle, minimizing the overlap with others, and ultimately result in energy savings without reduction in performance that feels," he said. SleepWell system developed Manweiler presented at the event moblie Conference on Systems, Applications and Services held by the Association for Computing Machinery in Washington DC.
6:34 PM | 0 comments

Faster than Alonso Vettel

Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel managed to be the fastest in free practice British GP II. The defending champion is able to record the fastest time to beat the Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso. In free practice III that was held on Saturday, July 9th, 2011 at Silverstone Circuit, who devoured 17 laps Vettel managed to record time of 1:31.401 seconds or 0063 seconds ahead of Alonso, who needs to eat 20 lap. While in the position of third place was fellow Vettel fastest in Red Bull's Mark Webber. Australian rider who just ate 12 laps is 0428 seconds adrift of Vettel. The two riders who managed to enter the other five are the fastest Ferrari driver Felipe Massa and Williams, Pastor Maldonado. The result is less satisfactory ditoreh McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton, who must be willing scattered at position 13. While the veteran racer Mercedes, Michael Schumacher could only be in position 11.  

The full results of the British Grand Prix Free Practice III:  
1. Sebastian Vettel Red Bull-Renault 1m31.401s 17  
2. Fernando Alonso Ferrari + 0.063s 1m31.464s 20  
3. Mark Webber Red Bull-Renault + 0.428s 1m31.829s 12  
4. Felipe Massa Ferrari + 0.768s 1m32.169s 20  
5. Pastor Maldonado Williams-Cosworth 1.095s + 1m32.496s 20  
6. Jenson Button McLaren-Mercedes + 1.555s 1m32.956s 18  
7. Kamui Kobayashi Sauber-Ferrari + 1.613s 1m33.014s 20  
8. Nico Rosberg Mercedes + 1.643s 1m33.044s 23  
9. Sergio Perez Sauber-Ferrari + 1.863s 21 1m33.264s  
10. Paul in Resta Force India-Mercedes + 2.022s 1m33.423s 22  
11. Michael Schumacher Mercedes + 2.150s 1m33.551s 11
12. Adrian Sutil Force India-Mercedes + 2.259s 1m33.660s 22 
13. Lewis Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes + 2.441s 1m33.842s 16  
14. Rubens Barrichello Williams-Cosworth 2.504s + 1m33.905s 21 
15. Vitaly Petrov Renault 1m34.042s 22 + 2.641s  
16. Jaime Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari + 2.928s 20 1m34.329s
17. Sebastien Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari + 3.398s 20 1m34.799s
18. Nick Heidfeld Renault 1m34.822s 21 + 3.421s
19. Heikki Kovalainen Lotus-Renault + 3.824s 21 1m35.225s  
20. Jarno Trulli Lotus-Renault + 5.504s 21 1m36.905s
21. Timo Glock Virgin 6.213s + 1m37.614s-Cosworth 18
22. Jerome D'Ambrosio Virgin 6.667s + 1m38.068s-Cosworth 20
23. Daniel Ricciardo HRT-Cosworth 6.888s + 1m38.289s 19
24. Tonio Liuzzi HRT-Cosworth 17 7.167s + 1m38.568s

6:06 PM | 0 comments

Avoiding Online Scam By Symantec

Internet criminals getting smarter to steal Internet users' important information for commercial purposes. They did not hesitate even to make a duplicate reputable sites that can attract more victims, following are basic tips provided by Symantec to avoid online scams  
1. Do not click on questionable links contained in email messages.
2. Check the URL of the website and make sure that the original URL of the mark concerned.  
3. Type the domain name of the brand of your website directly into the browser address, instead of following the link provided.
4. Always update your security software, like Norton Internet Security 2010, which protects you from online phishing. 
6:03 PM | 0 comments

6 Tips to Reduce Back Former Desire

Often met former after relationship ends? Try not to recall the past. It can actually make you want to go back to her courtship. Try a new challenge that catches your heart and can distract from the former. As quoted Glamour, the following six tips you can do to reduce the desire to return to her former lover:  
1. Bring a male friend who might be at the event attended by the former.
Nothing is more effective to prevent feelings of the former if there was another guy beside you. It would be better if your guy friend is a successful man and have a high confidence.  
2. If you still like to think the former, try to recall the reasons you broke up with him. 
 Women like to remember things just fine when connected that it will be increasingly difficult to forget the former. Although painful to remember everything that has happened will make sad, it makes you no longer potent remember him. 
3. Ask a friend to keep remind you. 
A friend is a good reminder for us aware if doing the wrong thing. They will not plunge you. 
4. Tell yourself that you're too good for your ex. 
Expect behind the former is a setback in your life. Think ahead and make positive changes as a new beginning in your life. 
5. Say 'no' to every invitation ex.  
Perhaps you have always obeyed when dealing permintannya and rarely say no to reject it. Say clearly that you already enjoy your own life.
6. Busy yourself, switch your mind to follow the new activities with friends. 
 By not doing anything will make you tired and cause thoughts to return to the former. If you fight with someone because you are bored with life, perhaps looking for another man would be better. But not with the former.

5:59 PM | 0 comments

5 Tips to Avoid cheating

Saturated with a partner and are tempted to cheat? Well, be careful! Try to read this first before going any further. Life is pretty complicated affair. There are times when we feel bored or annoyed with your partner, so that the edges are implicit thoughts like cheating. Surely you do not want that to happen is not it? Many things can you do to keep the affair did not happen, well what are they? please read the following tips: 
1. Strong Intention 
liver Set for unambiguous. From the beginning of a new married or dating, intend in my heart that he's just that you have. I think you often hear these words: "One just does not run out, why should two or more? Well, try to apply it. Keep in mind, too: that marriage is sacred and is only done once in life. 
2. Karma karma oh 
If you do not want to be betrayed by partner, then do not do it. Dare to do, should dare to take risks. Remember karma, if you had an affair, one day at some time, everything can be turned upon you. So you should not ever try to cheat, remember karma!  

3. Self -help 
a lot, is to be gained from reading books, downloaded on the internet, and magazines that contain articles (a solution or tips) that can be used as a reference for you to avoid cheating. It could also ask for your opinions with some friends who could provide a neutral view.  

4. See Pet Closer 
Do not compare your partner with others. Look at him and thank him what it is, despite the lack of it is just normal human beings because no one is perfect. Instead you should be able to dig its appeal is not in purely physical terms (sympathy, kindness, loyalty).

5. Commitment to 
Keeping the commitments and rules that have been made ​​both. After intend to be loyal, also apply in everyday life that you have to implement loyalty. If there are problems earlier discussed with the couple. Do not assume you are alone, but there are couples who become your life partner. So for personal narcissistic , you should make a commitment and clear rules and firm, thus preventing the occurrence of infidelity.
5:52 PM | 0 comments

4 Tips to Prevent 'Infidelity' Online

The emergence of friendship or social networking sites is not uncommon to incur a negative impact. One is the potential to trigger an affair online . This phenomenon is still causing the pros and cons. According to a survey, 33 percent of people consider 'flirting' via online chat , text messaging and social networking is not infidelity. The reason is because they do not make physical contact. However, such measures might make their partner feel betrayed. Prevent it from engaging in online infidelity is very important. Here are four tips, as quoted from Your Tango.
1. Create Agreements
Talk with your partner and make a deal that does not harm one another. Such as giving freedom to each other to be friends with anyone via the Internet. But make a restriction that may and may not do when online .
2. Open each other
Jalinlah mutual trust between the two of you. One of them with nothing to hide from the password e-mail, facebook, twitter maybe even online chat . Maybe some people will object to this idea, but would prevent any couple to 'playing with fire' because her partner could have a moment to check your account. Mutual secrecy will only lead to suspicion that tails argument.
3. Online Together
There is no harm in occasionally invite couples online together. Invite him to come home or to a cafe with free wi-fi facilities to both see each account on social networking or browsing the site interesting. You and your partner can comment on each photo submissions from friends, or make a joke of the status-status friends. That way, togetherness become more varied. Not just go out to eat or a movie.
4. Show your relationship status with couples
Facebook users would know the features 'relationship status' , such as singles , it's complicated , in a relationship or married . Pick status 'in a relationship' to tell that you've taken. Occasionally show attention to the couple through his facebook wall, but do not overdo it. This method will be discouraged those who might be interested in you or your partner to approach.

5:48 PM | 0 comments

6 Ways to Express Love

Love does not always passive. Sometimes the glow of love needs to be expressed so that harmony intact. If confused express it, see this guide.

This love can indeed be expressed in various ways. In addition to the sentence saying "I Love You", shows concern for the couple became a great way to keep the quality of the love you both. To do so, it is not easy and requires little effort. To demonstrate this, no need to spray with words to win her heart. Just do simple movements such as whispering sweet words, cooking his favorite foods, and rub her back. The rest, just follow the following guidelines as reported by Howtodothings.

- Let your partner know that you're a huge fan of.  
Reassure him that you really love him and appreciate everything he's done for you. Tell him that you are always there and support everything he does.  

- When he was having a hard day or bad, ask him what you can do to make her feel better.  
With the submission of the question, he will respect you and think that you care about her. When he wanted something to pass the time together, do not waste that opportunity. Remember, support any activity is proof that you are so concern with him.

- Give your sweet words. 
 When you're out with friends or attending a family event, use this opportunity to build the mood of his. Tell her sweet sentences, for example, how do you feel lucky to have him in your life. These words will certainly take him flying to nirvana. 

 - Do not be ashamed to say you're guilty.
If you've hurt your partner with words, do not be shy to ask her forgiveness and expressing remorse you to repair the situation. After that, give him a warm hug and kiss as a cover sorry.

- Being a good listener. 
 Be cute when he was expressing something, even when the topic is talking about a very boring though. For example, about the project he was working. Although you are not familiar with its development, being a good listener is a wise attitude that can be selected. This attitude is a sign of your concern to your partner.  

- Sending a message and called him to ask his whereabouts.
Let him know that you are always thinking of himself, for example during the lunch hour you can remind him that the lunch hour has arrived or when he was out of town, you can send a message that indicates the sentence of attention, such as an executable task may run smoothly and so forth .
5:44 PM | 0 comments

Dating tips with a New Love

After waiting so long, finally inaugurated a new relationship. Certainly felt happy for the couple who started a new love. However, there are some things you need to know when a new relationship. What? Excerpted from Your Tango, this is it you need to consider.  
1. Avoid indulgence intimacy 
Make no mistake, he was not too comfortable if her lover excessive indulgence intimacy in public. Moreover, with new women, men usually have more respect for her new lover. So, lest you start to spit-Umbar intimacy. 2. Giving Distance 
When new invented, certainly among you and your partner always want to spend time together. Remember, do not let you constantly meet with your new lover, as this can lead to boredom faster. Leave a space of several days to be reunited with their spouse.  
3. Do not Tell the Past Too Much 
There are times where you do not have to share the stories of the past at the beginning of a relationship. So also with the family, should not be too quick to introduce your partner to a parent if it is not sure of herself.
4. Avoid Talking about the Future 
In a new relationship, you should avoid discussing the future with him. Relationships are still warm, often darken the eyes and mind. Everything was beautiful, making it easier to talk about commitment. Now, rather than be disappointed later because of the commitment you both with a partner is not realized, better know him more deeply before talking to a more serious relationship.
5. Realistic 
One way that you can run a good relationship is to think realistically. Remember, you no longer live in a world of fairy tales are always happy. Eliminate excessive expectations, and start a relationship with maturity.

4:55 PM | 0 comments

Stress opponent with Sports

Severe stress or depression due to several things can indeed interfere with life and activity. But this problem can be overcome or countered by doing regular exercise. One of the main benefits of exercise are the link between mind and body. If someone has anxiety and stress, then the exercise can help to soothe and improve mood. When a person starts to feel a bit anxious or stressed, try to start moving and doing some exercises in order to get the motivation and reduce stress. The study reported in Anxiety, Stress and Coping : An International Journal in 2008 noted that the sport could be a potential tool to cope with anxiety symptoms. In the study participants who regularly exercise have a lower index of anxiety than people who never exercise. This suggests that exercise may be a viable treatment for anxiety and stress. The theory that there is exercise causes the body including the brain reacts. In response, the brain releases many hormones, including endorphins and neurotransmitters that can affect mood, as quoted from MayoClinic , Friday (3/6/2011). This chemical is sufficient to reduce anxiety and depression with just one sport. And exercise can also increase body temperature that has been associated with more positive mood. In addition to exercising regularly can give the body time to meditate and put negative thoughts into more positive perspective. To get these benefits make exercise fun with exercise are preferred. Sports that do not need heavy or too tight, but try doing a simple exercise every 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes.
4:52 PM | 0 comments

Natural Ways to Overcome Hair Loss

In addition to weight gain, hair loss becomes a serious problem for some women. Before you are tempted to try expensive treatments at the salon, try natural therapy at home to prevent hair loss. You could try natural remedies offered by a hair health specialist, Dr. Ritu Mathur. Although not fully able to prevent hair loss, but at least useful control. The first step is to go on a diet with balanced nutrition adequacy. "If your body is not getting enough nutrients, your hair will become weak, which causes hair loss," Dr. Mathur said, as quoted from Idiva. He advocated the consumption of soy. The content of iron and vitamin E in it plays an important role for hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the scalp. "Your hair can not grow without Vitamin E and smooth blood circulation to the skin of the scalp," he said. Step two, pamper your hair. "Massaging the scalp for a few minutes each day will lead to stimulation of blood flow to the scalp," says Dr Mathur. "Massaging can also lead to the growth of tiny hairs because your scalp get more blood." Head massage with virgin coconut oil is beneficial to control hair loss to some extent. Other oils that can stimulate the scalp is almond oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil. "Jojoba oil is very good because it replaces the sebum in the scalp. It also controls dandruff," he said. Applying Aloe Vera to your scalp is another way to control hair loss. "Aloe Vera heal the scalp by balancing pH levels, have cleaning properties that can sweep the dirt on the scalp and cleanse the pores," he said. In addition, diligent and detoxifying shampoo for the hair is also highly recommended. Diet and lifestyle Unhealthy will add to the toxins in your body. This can cause hair loss. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the body detoxify and nourish the scalp. "Drink lots of water and consumption of vitamins and minerals was beneficial for the hair. And the hair is the first part of the body that can become a strong signal if there are signs of problems in the body, "says Dr Mathur. If you do not stop hair loss or if you lose a lot of hair, consult a physician immediately. "If you lose more than 100-150 hairs per day, could be due to disease," said Dr Mathur.
4:49 PM | 0 comments

Five Steps to Overcome High Entitled Aching Shoes

Wearing high heels or high heel shoes for a long time, definitely make your feet sore. Not only that, you may also experience back pain and headaches. Do not let him, because the pain can be intensified. Just look at the five steps of Dr. Neal M. Blitz, an orthopedist, you can do to overcome the stiffness and pain after wearing high heels.  
1. Yoga and stretching 
the muscles tendons and calf muscles become very tight because of wearing high heel shoes. Thus, it is important to stretch muscles to relax again. Yoga is an excellent method to stretch, especially movement that focused on the feet. Stretching makes blood flow more smoothly in the area of the foot and can help eliminate excess fluid (swelling) in the lower leg.
2. Soak the foot with epsom salts 
not only make your feet more relaxed, imbuing them with a mixture of water and epsom salts can be used to soothe a sore body parts, especially feet. Epsom salt is actually not the salt, but the natural minerals and magnesium sulfate, which can be absorbed through the skin.
3. Pedicure 
foot you can pamper yourself by doing a pedicure or at the salon. Cut toenails also too long. Long nails can lead to pain because the oppressed while wearing high heels.
4. Give a moisturizer 
is important to keep your feet so as not to dry skin. Dry skin will break easily and make the legs ache. So, always use a moisturizer to your feet to avoid dryness.
5. Massage 
Massage is very effective for reducing pain due to muscle injury. Including reduced muscle tension resulting from use of high heel shoes for a long time. You can give the massage on the feet while applying a moisturizer.
4:29 PM | 0 comments

Exactly How to Make Teeth Clean

Brushing your teeth is not just rub the toothbrush around the mouth and then finished in a flash. Experts argue that the whole process of brushing teeth at least last for two minutes. Brushing teeth is not only cleanliness but also ensure good oral health. Irregular or improper brushing the teeth will cause bad breath, tooth decay and disease of periodontal (gum disease). How to brush their teeth:
  1. Clean the outer surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth
  2. Clean the inner surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth
  3. Clean the surface of the teeth used for chewing
  4. For fresh breath, be sure to brush your tongue too.
  5. Tilt the brush at a 45 degree angle against the gum line and then broom (rubbed)
  6. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, after waking and before bed. Also try brushing your teeth after eating.
4:22 PM | 0 comments

7 Steps to Generating Mood in the Morning

Do you ever wake up in the morning with the limp body seemed lazy and out of bed? Was predictable that many never experience it. When forced to move, everything looks chaotic. Headache, bad mood, want to be mad all day, until a misunderstanding with the person you are talking to. Hmm ... so great was the effect of mood in the morning yes. So, lets get back your mood!

Search window 
first step you should do is find the windows, breathe fresh air as much as possible even though it was cold and made ​​the hairs on your arms stand up. Opponents feel the cold, until you feel fresh and all life is united.  

Listen to music 
Be sure you've got songs that can get you excited. Do not play the song mellow that actually makes you want to stick to the pillow. 
Drink something 
Whether it's fruit juice, coffee, milk or dark chocolate, make a drink that can make you literate. When there is a drink that enters the body, feeling refreshed will gradually flow, and slowly the mood you wake up.  
Give a little time on yourself 
Do not think about bad things, such as failing a presentation, an annoying colleague, a jam, remove all thoughts it's bad. Replace them with good thoughts and sweet, for example, then you have an appointment on the move after watching the new boyfriend, or hangout with friends.
Savour mint
mint scent will affect the brain to think positive and enthusiastic. This is why in the world of popular mint gum and aromatherapy.   
Walk toward the mirror and smile. Oh, well, ignore your appearance during waking. Is not fair if your hair is a bit cluttered and you face a little creased. Then take a comb and trim your hair. Go back a smile and your mood will come back better. "Oh yes I'm ready!"  
Do a little gymnastics 
Do a little body movement and breathe the morning air deeply. Move the legs, arms, shoulders slowly will make all parts of the skin breathe easily. Well, are you feeling better? If all your warm-up had been done, let's move into the bathroom and give the best performance for this day.
4:17 PM | 0 comments

Effective Ways to Burn Fat in Four Minutes

You've heard of Tabata? This method is fast interval workout with a very short break. Suitable for those who want to lose weight, because it is very effective to burn fat. exercise with intervals will quickly increase the body's metabolic system, after the workout is over. So that, fat burning after exercise to be more. Tabata also be used by using tools such as Barbell, dumbbell, or a Kettlebell. As reported by the GALTime.com , this method was developed by Izumi Tabata of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. In his study, he concluded that the Tabata workout is very effective to burn fat and its effect overall in the four-minute workout, better than aerobics for an hour. Tabata workout this method is to perform specific physical movements for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds recovery. There are eight types of motion that must be done quickly with a total time for four minutes.
Movement is fairly easy and you can do yourself at home. Here are eight compulsory movement in Tabata. 1. Jump rope 2. Push-ups 3. Plank 4 . Tricep dips off a chair 5. Ran down the stairs 6. Jumping jacks 7. Lunge 8. Squat
4:12 PM | 0 comments

How to Overcome Insomnia

Insomnia is a torture for anyone who ever experienced it. Insomnia can be caused by several things, such as stress, job demands, excessive dieting, poor sleep is not comfortable, and so forth. Humans generally need eaktu sleep between 6-7 hours per day. If sleep kuraang than 3 hours per day, then that person can be regarded as people with insomnia.

Insomnia is too often can damage the health. In addition, people who generally have difficulty sleeping shorter lifespan when compared with people who are having an average time of sleep. Insomnia is often, and it is acute, the more it will harm the body of one, the health will be prone to disease. Therefore, to overcome it, here I have to say a few solutions to overcome insomnia.
4:06 PM | 0 comments

8 Easy Ways to Speed ​​Most Computers

Written By bavanna on Friday, July 8, 2011 | 7:43 PM

Learning in computer maintenance computer. Over time, the speed of computers with Microsoft Windows operating system began to decline. This will be felt on the fact that the system takes more time to respond to your actions such as opening files, folders, surf the Internet and other tasks. However, there are things you can do to speed up your computer. Here is a list of ways you can take to improve the performance of your computer again. These steps are intended to be used in sequence, do not be inverted. The key is to do the simplest and easiest.
If you want to improve or speed up your computer, do not need to install maca-kind software for that purpose. But, above all, what would you do here are not dangerous and beyond the scope of the Windows forum, another option is to ask for help from people you know well. Remember: You have waktu.Anda can stop the process that follows I will discuss this without causing damage. So if you are a beginner, do not be afraid. Steps to Speed ​​Up Computer Speed;
1. Make sure your Hardware
What does it mean? This means that your computer was previously faster but due to time then it becomes slow. It is impossible to speed up the computer if the motherboard supports only Pentium 3 for example. So the first condition is the hardware must be allowed to gallop.

2. Clean Your Desktop

Are you filled your Windows Desktop decorated with a picture? Have you noticed that your computer has been running slower and slower again? Did you see the hard drive light is blinking frequently while you wait for the computer to respond to the action? There are several steps you can take to fix it. Do not be too many files scattered on the desktop because it significantly, although small will affect computer performance. So save the file in place. What difference does it save a lot of files didesktop with didrive Data? Ie that the desktop is part of the C: drive (generally for the system) while the data drive D: (generally to save jobs)
3. Scan your Windows system for checking for errors
An operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, from time to time, that one or more system files have changed or become corrupted. If this happens, your system speed can be reduced. By using a utility called "System File Checking", he will check the files correctly the problem could be found.
4. Scan for Viruses, Spyware and Adware
Every Windows computers vulnerable to viruses let alone the basis of Windows XP. Viruses are nasty little programs that cause problems both large and small for the user. Spyware and Adware is a program created by the company to find out more information about the customer. Usually these programs are not created for malicious purposes. Spyware and Adware are in the computer memory and will slow it down. Periodic scanning and removal of Viruses, Spyware and Adware is a great way to improve computer performance.
5. Uninstall Unused Programs
Over time, you may have gathered the programs on your computer that you do not use. When a program is installed, it creates a relationship between programs and operating systems. Even if you do not use these programs, they can slow down your system. If you have the original program installation discs or files, delete the program will free up space on your computer and can speed up your system's performance.
6. Adjust Visual Effects to the position of Best Performance
Windows provides some interesting visual effects including animated windows and fading menus. If you do not have enough memory operations (see number 1 above), this effect can slow down your computer. Adjust or reduce the visual effects can make a difference. To speed up Vista on a particular computer you can disable the feature and functions that are not used. For more information, see "How to speed up Windows Vista."
7. Programs do not run automatically when a Start Up.
The program uses the operating memory (RAM, also called system resources). Unless you always use a program, you can keep them from loading at Windows startup. However, if rarely used better disable it from auto start. The trick is to click [Start] and select [Run] to XP and then type msconfig.exe then [Enter]. For Vista, just type in msconfig and then [Enter]. Then click the [Start Up] and see which programs are very rarely used delete centangnya sign.
8. Defragment Your Hard Drive (Once you've tried everything else)
The more information and programs you have on your computer, the more likely it is that Windows has placed parts of the same file in different locations on your hard drive. It may do this for hundreds of files and programs, depending on how much space is available. Defragmenting your hard drive where all the information for each file in one place. The result is a faster computer. Regarding defragment the hard drive I've discussed separately. The point is not speed up computer work hard.
7:43 PM | 0 comments

Things to Avoid on Facebook

If you are addicted to Facebook , so it can not release a single day without opening the social networking, you should be careful. Because there are some things to avoid on Facebook. Those things are: Make friends with people who are wrong . Actually lived what your intentions create a Facebook account, if you want to re-establish communication with old friends or want to add a new friend in cyberspace. But it still should be careful before deciding to ad as friend or confirmed . As happened at a prison warden in Leicester England, Nathan Singh, who must be willing to be fired from his position only because he found friends on Facebook with a number of inmates where she worked. Well, another with Charlotte Fielder, a British woman with disabilities without hands since born. Perhaps because they feel kinship, Fielder friends with a number of men who she did not know who was disguised as a handicapped person. But it turns out, they are a group of men who have abnormalities, ie, sexually attracted to women handed stump. Fielder realized when he found the ad sites containing pornographic pictures of women with disabilities and photos handed fielder there. Curhat about the boss or work on Facebook . Of course we do not have to mimic what a woman named Lindsay. He vent on their status: "Oh my God, I hate my job!" still not enough he also denounced his superior. And just a few hours later someone wrote a comment: 'Do not bother to come to the office tomorrow. I will send a letter of dismissal in the mail. " Tenryata he was his superior. Replacing the photos inappropriate . Unless indeed we organize your photo album privacy settings for certain people, however, that does not put up pictures often embarrass us on Facebook for any reason. As an MP in Britain, Sean Aspey, who put his picture was wearing a Nazi uniform on television comedy shows that are telling funny stories in France in the era of Nazi occupation. Perhaps his intention was just for fun, but he must accept the consequences, which are disabled from the city council. Online when sick . If we're pretending to be ill or sick indeed real and not enter the office, should indeed not have to open up. A Canadian woman who was on sabbatical when suffering from depression should accept the reality, he nevertheless receives payment from his health insurance as an insurance agent to find photographs that are having fun on Facebook, enjoying the sunshine is also a night out with colleagues. Revealing matters confidential . Israel had a Facebook account to check his soldiers, and turns to find pictures of air bases, military operations rooms, submarines and other secrets that should not be publicly known. Furthermore, Israel and menerapkab a new policy, which prohibits the soldiers put up photographs categorized secret.
7:40 PM | 0 comments

Tips to Prevent Laptop Battery Explosion

Exploding laptop incident has happened so often. To prevent your laptop battery does not explode and cause harm, the things you should consider are as follows:
1. If the battery is weak and the period of operation is reduced drastically, you better buy a new battery immediately. Do not try to fix a battery that is damaged to be re-used. 2. Always make sure you use the original battery from an authorized reseller. If the original battery that exploded just a lot, especially with a fake battery.
3. Do not recharge your battery more than 8 hours. Recharge the battery for too long likely to cause an explosion.
4. If the battery is full when refilled, select one of course, use electric or battery power when you want to use a laptop.
5. Wear charger charger compatible with your battery. Charger will not fit increases the risk of overheating (too hot).
6. Do not place the laptop in a very hot area, for example in a car trunk or under the scorching sun.
7. Always follow the development of technology news, such as online news sites. Usually, if there is a problem in laptop batteries, laptop vendors will conduct large-scale withdrawal. If by chance the laptop is in trouble, you can follow the prescribed procedures. such as battery exchange.
7:14 PM | 0 comments

Tips to know the damage a computer and how to fix it

Damage to the PC / computer is very diverse and varied, for that we must know the location of damage to the computer at this time is discussed tips to know the damage on the pc and how to fix / improve it.
First step before repair pc pc is mengetahi damage to it, there are two types of damage to the pc that is software and hardware damage
  1. The first damage to the software can be caused by a virus, or because the file is missing sitemnya software damage including damage to the light.
Signs / characteristics:
  • All computer components can still light up, but could not get into windows / system Operting
  • When it says insert system disk is monitored, try to tighten hardisknya usually lax due to the hard drive. If you can not mean the system is broken and fix it easily step is reinstalled.
  • If a Sistem32 mising means the file is missing and the same should be re-installed OS.
2.Keruskan on hardware: DAMAGE TO POWER supply
The computer can not burn at all, check all power cables are already connected to the electricity properly, check the swich button behind the cpu at a position on, check power on the cable is good or not, if there are symptoms such as faulty power supply means. and should be replaced new.
When turned on, no display on the monitor, indicator light (LED) on the front panel is lit, the indicator light (LED) flashing monitors, power supply fan and processor fan spins, no beep sound on the speakers.
The computer is on but no display on the monitor, you hear a bib when turned on. Likelihood or the damage to the VGA on the monitor can also try a test with a VGA or Monitor a friend who is still functioning.
DAMAGE TO Notebook computer is on, can not get into windows and the hard drive is not detected, try to tighten the cable hardisknya. DAMAGE TO RAM Power supply is lit, can not get into windows and there is no sound bib. The point in fixing the computer we first have to know the damage, could done by an error try or experiment with other computer components that can be reused and have the same type of component. If your computer can still light up but can not get into windows means your computer is still safe and most likely the OS or any component that is not tight / loose pemasanganya. Thank hopefully useful ....!!!!

7:04 PM | 0 comments

Smart Tips for Keeping Smartphone

The presence of mobile phones is now shifted more than just a communication tool. For that, the handling was not able to carelessly. Especially if the smartphone was stored sensitive data. Here are some smart tips from security company Eset to treat your smart phone to be safe from intrusion action cyber criminals and malware. 1. Always lock and use the password for access to your communication device. 2. If you want to enter personal data, do it only for applications supplied by the manufacturer. That means, if you want to download the Facebook application must be from the website Facebook, as well as the application of Twitter from Twitter, and others. 3. Do not store confidential information in your smartphone device. 4. Enable Password program. 5. Turn off the function of geo-location services. 6. Enable password protection systems. 7. Delete or remove personal photographs that do not want you distribute. 8. Do not install applications from developers who are not known. If you already did download in question, put an end to the activities of online banking from your mobile device, because the application is potentially malware . 9. First look at the applications that you want to download and install. Whether the application has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times? Does having a high rating? Does the application have been around long? Does the application developer is trusted by the industry and its customers? To find out can be done by checking through the search engines , via social networking, as well as of microblogging . 10. If you click a link in an email, never enter personal data into it. Because many cases the entry of malware through the mode. Especially if done through mobile communication devices, the risk will be higher. It would be safer if done by entering the name of the website on a web browser, then input your data. 11. Install security applications and enable the antivirus program. 12. Treat your smartphone device like a desktop because cyber criminals no matter what platforms you use, but it is targeting everyone for being victimized

6:22 PM | 0 comments

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